チラッと小雪 Peek-a-Koyuki~ 小雪の怒ってなどいない!! Vol.96~
小雪がずんずんやってくる! Koyuki coming straight at you!~ 小雪の怒ってなどいない!! Vol.95~
本棚と小雪 Bookshelf and Koyuki~ 小雪の怒ってなどいない!! Vol.97~
Moflicious is trying hard every day to take good photos of Koyuki. And today is no exception. I'm literally crawling all over the floor to take shots of her cute (and evil) face.
さあ小雪さん! いつでも出てきてください! さあさあ!
I'm aiming to take a shot of Koyuki right at the moment she shows herself from the other side of the door. OK, Koyuki! Come out anytime! I'm ready!
Moflicious is trying hard every day to take good photos of Koyuki. And today is no exception. I'm literally crawling all over the floor to take shots of her cute (and evil) face.
さあ小雪さん! いつでも出てきてください! さあさあ!
I'm aiming to take a shot of Koyuki right at the moment she shows herself from the other side of the door. OK, Koyuki! Come out anytime! I'm ready!
いやいやもっともっと! もっと出てきてよ! もふもふをカメラにアピールしてくださいよ!
Come on, don't be shy! Just come out! Show off your fluffiness to the camera!
Come on, don't be shy! Just come out! Show off your fluffiness to the camera!
Come on! You are teasing me by playing a peek-a-boo, you bad girl. Oh, I will punish you by stroking your whole fluffy body!!
Come on! You are teasing me by playing a peek-a-boo, you bad girl. Oh, I will punish you by stroking your whole fluffy body!!
ウッ! 確かに他人が見たら今の飼い主の格好はなんだかちょっと恥ずかしい!
True… What would people say if they saw me crawling around like this? Embarrassing! I don't want to admit it, but I'm indeed acting like a strange person :'-(
True… What would people say if they saw me crawling around like this? Embarrassing! I don't want to admit it, but I'm indeed acting like a strange person :'-(
Cats often peek out from their hiding places, but when Koyuki does it, it makes me feel like I'm hunted by her.
Cats often peek out from their hiding places, but when Koyuki does it, it makes me feel like I'm hunted by her.
小雪がずんずんやってくる! Koyuki coming straight at you!~ 小雪の怒ってなどいない!! Vol.95~
本棚と小雪 Bookshelf and Koyuki~ 小雪の怒ってなどいない!! Vol.97~